Diabetes Breakthrough ·  January 2023

Which works better for erratic blood sugar:

Exercise, or a healthy diet?

Most doctors will tell you that if you work out 30 minutes a day, every single day…

Or follow a strict diet regimen...

Your blood sugar levels should stay in the normal range.

Now while this MIGHT help relieve SOME of your symptoms in the short term…

Like fatigue or numbness…

What most doctors won’t tell you…

Is that it can take up to 12 months of consistent healthy living to maintain perfect glucose readings…

And until the body has fully recovered from erratic blood sugar…

Without damaging vital organs in the process…

Your blood sugar concerns may keep coming back to haunt you again and again…

For years…

If not decades!

So, what can exercise or extreme dieting do to help?

Turns out…


If it were as easy as eating a salad or doing jumping jacks every once in a while…

Everyone would have perfect blood sugar levels.

But if you’re watching this right now…

Then that’s probably not the case.

In fact, you’re not alone…

By the time we reach 60…

Over 14 million Americans suffer from high blood sugar…

But that’s not even the worst of it.

It turns out that erratic blood sugar…

Is the start of something far more sinister
And I found out the hard way, over a year ago…

When I found myself in the emergency room…

Hearing the words that changed my life forever.

“We’re going to have to amputate…”

I laid helpless on the cold, stiff hospital stretcher…

Getting ready to get my feet amputated...

Plagued with erratic blood sugar.

There my family was, about 6 feet in front of me…

With a blank stare etched across their face…

Sobbing in regret for letting my blood sugar get the worst of me.

A pit of anger swelled up inside me…

Adrenaline began pumping through my veins…

And I couldn’t let my family take responsibility for getting my foot chopped off...

“I can’t take this anymore, I refuse to get my foot amputated!” I demanded…

The doctor shrugged, and without looking me in the eyes he mumbled…

“Sir, you either get the surgery now…

Or face even worse complications in the near future.”

That’s when my heart began beating through my chest…

My fists clenched and my muscles tensed up like a knot ready to snap…

And in that moment…

I demanded my son to carry me out of this godforsaken excuse of a hospital.

I knew I had to do something…

Because standing by as Type 2 Diabetes stole the last of my heart and soul like a thief in the night…

Was simply no longer an option.

And I didn’t know it then, but this moment…

Which was the most horrific experience of my entire life…

Set me on a journey that would eventually lead to a powerful blood sugar breakthrough…

A breakthrough recently discovered by a group of Nobel Prize Winning scientists from the University of Newcastle and the American Diabetes Association..

And that many experts are saying will completely transform the future of healthcare in this country…

Because it harnesses your body’s own all-natural blood sugar “freezer”…

And is now proven to damn-near improve erratic blood sugar…

Soothing against numbness and pain…

Restoring healthy weight loss, energy, vitality…

And saying goodbye to uncontrollable blood sugar…

Starting within 2 short days from now.

Hey, my name is John Cooper…

And it’s safe to say that I’m hated by every pharmaceutical company in America.

That’s because this short presentation is costing them millions in lost profits every month…

And they’re in an all-out manhunt to silence me before you hear what I have to say.

See, the medical establishment doesn’t want you to know that your weight gain, high blood sugar, and fatigue…

Basically ALL the annoying conditions they’ve told you are “normal parts of the aging process…”

Are actually not that normal after all!

They sure as heck don’t want you to know that the REAL root cause of Type 2 Diabetes…

That feeling you get when you wake up every day in a body that no longer feels like your own…

Originates from a tiny yet completely reversible “glitch” inside your DNA.

In fact…

Scientists now consider this the actual biological reason why you can’t get away from the blood sugar merry-go-round...

Because this glitch has stolen your body’s God-given ability to heal itself…

And it’s now silently wreaking havoc on your health at warp-speed…

Like a stick of dynamite waiting to explode any second.

In fact, if you’re already suffering from fatigue, brain fog, or weight issues that just won’t go away…

You’re already at much more risk than you realize…

And it’s urgent that you do something to fix the problem right away…

Or you could run the risk of a traumatic coma…

Type 2 Diabetes...

Or worse.

That’s why I made this short video…

To share what I’ve learned firsthand with you…

Including the little-known Nobel Prize secret you can use to rewind the clock on your erratic blood sugar…

Providing raw, clean energy for every vital process in your body…

To keep your metabolism running strong…

Your brain humming along…

And your energy in tip-top shape…

All by tapping into your body’s self-generated and natural blood sugar “mechanism”

This is something that one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world is trying to patent here in the United States…

So they can control the distribution and charge you an arm and a leg for it...

Even though it costs pennies-on-the-dollar to do from your own home!

So for the sake of your and your family’s health, stick with me…

Because in a few short moments…

You’ll find out how you too can access what some experts are now calling “God’s Blood Sugar Prayer” …

To flood back your energy…

Your zest for life…

That “certain something” you once had as a fearless, stubborn youngster.

Remember that?

When you ran around just for fun?

When worries, aches, and fatigue didn’t weigh you down?

Those fun-filled days and nights don’t have to be a fading memory…

Imagine your focus, energy, even your picture-perfect body…

All young and back to normal once again.

This breakthrough is something I’ve spent more than 300 hours researching…

As I desperately fought against an uphill battle to avoid the doctor from cutting my leg off.

And even better is the fact that this doesn’t require any harmful prescription drugs, like painkillers or blood sugar medications...

Or any extreme workout regimens and diets like “Keto” that are impossible to stick to (which, by the way, studies show ends up causing even MORE stress on your body)

It also doesn’t require you to go under the knife…

Or sign up for expensive procedures...

That will only leave you with an empty wallet.

In fact…

The researchers who first discovered this simple breakthrough went on to win share this with thousands of blood sugar sufferers around the world...

And it’s now been proven to work in over hundreds of different scientific studies on thousands of patients just like you…

With hard, scientific research from the Journal of Molecular Nutrition… Journal of Biochemistry… and The Diabetes Organization.

So if you’re ready to join the more than 3,500 Americans that have used this blood sugar breakthrough with rave results…

To flip the switch on your deteriorating blood sugar…

Slow-as-molasses metabolism…

And uncomfortable weight gain…

While protecting yourself from potentially devastating or life-threatening diseases…

Then stay with me until the end of this presentation…

As I show you how to rid yourself of this hidden “DNA Defect”…

And ensuring age-related conditions like joint pain, fatigue, and stubborn weight gain NEVER spiral out of control…

So that you can enjoy laser-sharp focus, boundless energy, and a healthy weight…

Just like you did in your 20’s.

Finding out about this breakthrough will only take a few minutes of your time…

Yet it could add decades of health to your life (I’ll share the studies that prove this is the case during the presentation)...

While giving you back the freedom from the pain and embarrassment that your blood sugar has caused you.

Just like it did for Denise Robin of Laurel, Maryland. She writes…

64 years old

It worked! It worked!

Oh my gosh, it really worked!

I was on the verge of losing-it before I saw your presentation, John.

I was scared to give your ritual a try, but thank God I did!

I haven’t felt this good in ages,

Finally being able to eat and live the way I want is, nothing short of a miracle

and I have you to thank for it.

I can finally enjoy dinner with my family without having to burden them with my,

crazy dietary restrictions or stress over the ingredients in every meal

You deserve a medal

Thanks, John

Or James D.

73 years old

I’ve suffered from high blood sugar my entire life

You never get used to it, the nerve pain, tiredness,

Having to graze away at salads

While watching others enjoy your favourite meals

It sucked, but I always believed there had to be a solution

So I was ecstatic when I came across your presentation,

It feels so good to finally enjoy freedom and ditch my glucose monitor for good

I support you in your quest to help others, and recommend it to everyone.

Or Richard M

43 years old

I can’t tell you how great it feels to be fresh and healthy again

My insides feel clean, like your ritual cleaned me out

And my physical and mental clarity is through the roof

I can finally enjoy time with my kids, without being a sluggish, sickly mess

I am eternally grateful for your presentation, John and hope you spread the message to as many sufferers as possible.

V3 Hamza Body

I know seeing some of these miraculous results

Will make you wish you found this years ago

And I’m certain the simplicity of this solution will shock you

So watch this urgent presentation until the very end

As I can’t say how long it will be online

You see, the diabetes industry is worth 48 billion dollars

And this simple at-home trick threatens to put them out of business

So it’s possible, they will try everything in their power to take down this inexpensive ritual

Making it crucial you shut off all distractions, take a seat and listen closely

As the next 3 minutes

Will change your life or the life of a loved one forever

So let’s begin

As I said, My name is John Cooper

I’m 54 years old and live in Lansing, Michigan with my dear wife Genie

You should know I’m not a doctor or physician

But I recently retired from a 30 year career as a Medical Nutritionist

Medical Nutritionists work alongside scientists to research the hidden effects of diet on our health

My team worked on breakthrough discoveries like the Ketogenic Diet

And told the stories big food lobbies don’t want you to hear

As a result, I lived a healthy lifestyle

I mean, me and my wife enjoyed eating at restaurants

And the occasional ice cream or desert after dinner

But who didn’t

I felt fine

And was about to ease into my retirement

When out of nowhere, I began to notice some unusual symptoms

I’d get wild cravings for sweet foods

And become fatigued doing basic tasks

My belly fat grew like crazy

And nerve pains chewed away at my fingers

I thought, maybe this just came with aging

Until everything got worse

My vision started failing

And I got hit with a tingling in the feet which wouldn’t go away

Along with extreme bouts of thirst

And an uncontrollable urge to urinate

My wife became worried and pushed me to see a doctor

Who after one test

Told me I had erratic blood sugar

This hit me like a tonne of bricks

Yet, I felt reassured when my physician, Dr. Chen

Told me it was treatable

“Eat healthy, sleep well, exercise and you'll be fine”, he repeated

While prescribing me Metformin and hurrying me out the room

So, I did as I was told

Switched to a strict diet and exercise plan

Swallowed the pills he fed me

And dished out hundreds on blood sugar tests

Yet, despite this, my health continued to decline

My weight ballooned, blood sugar skyrocketed and cravings only intensified

I told Dr. Chen, his advice wasn’t working

His solution;

Upgrade my medication

He was the expert, I thought

And took his pills hoping for the best

And while, they did make “feel” better for a while

Over the next few years, these daily pills ruined my life

Flushing out my wallet

And leaving me with a bunch of dangerous side effects

Like bloating, muscle aches and kidney pains

My blood pressure and cholesterol shot through the roof

While, I couldn’t sleep, exercise or even focus

You may have noticed some of these symptoms too

My feet then went from tingling, to fully numb

Until one day, I could barely anything below my knees

Forcing me to take time off work

Worst of all, the medication did nothing to help my blood sugar

Which skyrocketed to astronomical heights

I became depressed and it pains me to say it

considered ending it all

The truth is I felt weak

Like I was a burden to others

And believed deep down this was all my fault

It was a dark period in my life

And, while it felt like I had hit rock bottom

As you’re about to see, the worse had yet to come

Because, on one unsuspecting afternoon

The unthinkable happened

You always assume it’ll be some other poor soul

But this time it was me

It was a warm summer day

Months before, I had been forced back to work

Because the cost of insulin had become too much

Though to be honest, I was happy to try and get my life back on track

So, I was in my lab, trying to meet a deadline

When suddenly, my mouth dried up

I hopped up to fetch a bottle of water

But as I stood, I began to feel dizzy

And fell quick

Smashing my head into the corner of my desk

I couldn’t remember much after

Just floating in and out of consciousness

And the blaring of ambulance sirens

After a few terrifying hours

I woke up in an hospital bed

In excruciating pain, to weak to move

And unable to feel my legs

You see, what had happened was

Without knowing I’d fell into a coma

Randomly triggered by stress at work

I remember seeing my lovely wife

Heaving and sobbing with her entire body

Filled with tears in her eyes

As her parents

My mother and father in law, where comforting her

A deep sense of shame grow in my chest

For putting my sweetheart through this

And embarrassment

At the look of disapproval in my wife's parents eyes

As they saw me in this state

150lbs overweight, to frail to feed myself

Or walk because my legs had become so numb

Most of all, though

I felt guilt for not doing more when I had the chance

Obediently following useless advice from, Dr Chen

As he stuffed me silly with risky medications

So, while lying at death's door

I made a desperate prayer to God

If he were to let me survive through this

I would be proactive

Use the medical experience I’d gathered from my job

And do everything in my power to fight my unstable blood sugar

Then, Dr Chen, entered the room

He told my wife

I’d likely survive but they would have to amputate

You see, the tingling in my feet was a sign

My legs where in grave danger

Yet, I ignored this

Because Dr Chen told me it was normal for those with erratic blood sugar

Well, this tingling had progressed, until it left my feet looking like this

And now they were going to have to cut them off

My wife screamed

Telling Dr Chen, it was all his fault

For misleading us

Telling me high blood sugar was easily treatable

With a good diet, sleep and exercise

To which he sternly replied

Maybe if you and your husband, ate better

He wouldn’t be in this mess

Gesturing at her stomach

I swelled up with rage

To mislead me is one thing

But speaking to my wife like this was too far

I mustered up all the power I had

And erupted off my hospital bed toward him

But security got in the way before I could do anything

You have to understand, I’m a mellow guy but every man has a limit

This forced them to delay my amputation

And as you are about to find out

This became the best thing to ever happen to us

Because, on my hospital bed

I had made a promise to God

That I wasn’t going to sit by and let this to happen again

I was going to take action

So, as soon as I got home

Wheelchair bound and still in excruciating pain

I began reading

Medical forums, health journals anything I could get my hands on

I was stunned by how quickly Type 2 diabetes was on the rise in America

1 third of all Americans are either diabetic or pre-diabetic

Which expected to rise to half in 5 years

Yeah, you heard that right and a whopping 1 in 4 of these sufferers

Are at risk of having an amputation performed in their lifetime

Do you ever feel like your vision is getting worse?

Well, 1 in 3 sufferers are at risk of eyesight loss due to diabetic retinopathy

Feeling more forgetful recently?

Well type 2 diabetes skyrockets your chance of early-onset memory loss

I found Metformin - the medication of choice for diabetics

Had been deemed unsafe for human consumption for containing NDMA

Which is a toxic substance that can cause intense nausea, vomiting and much worse

Experts say it’s like pouring fuel on the fire

As the dangerous cells take over and eat away at your insides

Yet the physicians we trust have no issues dishing it out like it’s candy

I searched day and night for solutions but kept hitting dead ends

Every forum, journal and specialist repeated the same thing

Eat healthy, exercise and take your meds

Yet, following this useless advice put me in hospital

And may cost me my legs

It was like no-one cared

I became frustrated and considered giving up

Then, just when I thought I had contacted everyone, my wife asked

Have you talked to Evaldo, I remember him having type 2

I figured it was worth a shot

You see, Evaldo was my old college roommate

And happened to be insanely smart

Back in Med-School, he would get perfect 100s, without ever studying

Later, he moved to the UK where he now lives with his wife and children

I hadn’t spoken to him since but gave him a call

Hoping he knew some under-the-radar treatment overseas

I rang and explained everything..

He simply replied, John, You need to know about Dr. Talor

Dr. Talor was a maverick Endocrinologist based in the UK

Famous for his detailed studies on blood sugar

His team then used his findings

To develop a new nutritional ritual to stabilise blood sugar in British patients

Tens of thousands of British sufferers including Evaldo had been using it from home

To stabilise their blood sugar, without medication, diet or exercise changes

It's amazing, He said

My blood sugar hasn’t passed 110 since I started

Still, I was skeptical

My experience with doctors had been horrible

But… At that point I had nothing to lose

I asked how I could get started

Well it’s only being piloted in the UK, he told me

But, Dr. Talor is giving a talk in California next week

And I can use my connections to get you a short meeting after

California was a 5 hour flight

But I was willing to go to the ends-of-earth

To fight the damage high blood sugar had wrecked on my life

So, I booked a ticket and set on my way

Hoping for the best

Dr Talor ended up being a smart, no-nonsense guy

He had traveled the world

And was acclaimed for his groundbreaking blood sugar research in the UK, Australia and Singapore

And his story was fascinating

Originally from a small town in Oklahoma

He worked day-and-night to get into med school and lift his parents out of poverty

Then, while in college, his dad developed high blood sugar

He watched his fathers health break down

As, fatigue, weight gain and the cost of medications crippled and forced his parents into debt

It got so bad his father couldn’t work anymore

And quickly became depressed

He couldn’t sit by doing nothing

So he made it his mission

To one day find a solution to his fathers blood sugar imbalances

Without the drugs that bankrupted his family and destroyed his fathers health

And this is why I went to the UK, He explained

You see in the UK they address the root cause of blood sugar imbalances

Instead of just managing the symptoms like in America

This is why type 2 rates in the UK are nearly 1 third of what they are here

Despite having practically the same diet and exercise patterns

In the US we’re fixated on dangerous exercises and bland restrictive diets

When studies prove sugar and carbs have nothing to do with type 2

In fact, sugar and carb consumption has plummeted in America over the last 15 years

While type 2 rates are growing faster than ever before

Americans are trying hard to soothe their blood sugar levels

But they're going about it the wrong way

Let me explain

In a breakthrough Newcastle University study led by Dr. Taylor

They proved type 2 diabetes is reversible

And its causes are completely different from what was commonly thought

They showed once-and-for-all a cause of blood sugar imbalances

Is a fatty liver, not the pancreas

More specifically, a small amount of fat

Which clogs and suffocates the liver causing you to feel fatigued, tired and nauseated

This is why low-carb diets and intense exercise

Can have no long-term effect on blood sugar levels

Sure, losing weight and eating like a rabbit can help in the short term

But you need to eradicate this small chunk of fat to control blood sugar for good

It’s like a car exhaust, he continued

You can clean it once

But gas will always flow through and make it dirty again

Everyday toxic fat streams through

And sticks to the liver

Preventing any long-term effects

The nutritional protocol we developed is a simple lifetime fix to this problem

Like taking a pressure wash to the liver

Leaving it shiny and clean

Helping to maintain healthy blood sugar levels for good

Hearing this explanation made everything clear

I had seen some of these studies as a nutritional researcher but never put the dots together.

I felt real hope

That I could finally stabilise my blood sugar levels

So I begged Dr Talor to help us

In America, we don’t even know the cause of blood sugar issues

We have tried so many medications, diets and specialists but nothing

Dr Talor then explained to me

John, they obviously don't know and it's not their fault

The blood sugar industry controlled by Big Pharma is a 48 billion dollar a year industry

They fund the media through ads and spend billions lobbying senators

It’s in their interest to keep these advancements hidden away from the public

This is why real breakthroughs take decades or never make it to the American public.

They don’t want cures

They just want to sell you medications for the rest of your life

I became furious

Being in the medical field myself, I can’t believe I didn't recognize this

We need to at-least try to get this solution out there, please! I screamed

I told him about my upcoming amputation

And the years of havok unstable blood sugar levels had done to my health

I couldn’t let millions of Americans suffer the same fate.

He was sympathetic

And told me he would give me the ingredients to his nutritional protocol

But warned me to stay safe

You never know how far the elite powers will go

He showed me how he originally started his research

With a large US drug manufacturer

And when he made progress

They worried a solution would cut into their profits

So, they cut his funding

I was stuck, he explained

I needed to finish my research to help my father

And was forced to move to the UK

He showed me all the success stories in the UK

And how he was able to calm the blood sugar levels in his father

All his participants melted away their liver fat

And calmed their blood sugar levels

In just a few days with no changes to diet or exercise

Which is why the blood sugar industry is terrified of its power.

It is not in their interest to release a simple remedy

They can’t charge 100s for out in the public

Now just like you, I was curious

To find out the exact specifics of this highly effective blood sugar stabilising protocol

So, pay careful attention now

Because the following information comes from top-secret medical research

To which the general public has no access

Here’s a quick explanation of the ingredients used by Dr. Talor

And how they work

But first, Dr. Talor warned me

It's only effective when you use all the ingredients combined

In these exact same proportions and quantities

Without adequate preparation, the whole ritual is pretty much useless

Through his experiments Dr Talor, found NAFLD

To be to a hidden cause of type 2 diabetes

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease or NAFLD for short

Occurs when excess fat builds up in the liver

Which it can't break down

As well as blood sugar imbalances

NAFLD can accelerate high blood pressure, kidney disease

And even tumors

Doctor Talor believed the perfect ingredient to attack this

Was a rare Burseraceae plant

One of only 540 in existence

This specific one had been used for 1000s of years

By Indian tribes for it’s miraculous healing benefits

And has been been shown to prevent NAFLD

It’s like taking a blowtorch to liver fat

Practically melting it away

While also shredding fat from other problem areas

It was essential to combine this

With Juniper Berries, select C-vitamins, and Licorice root extract

To provide guaranteed lifetime effects

This powerful combination has been clinically proven to stabilise blood sugar levels

While keeping your insides fresh, clean and healthy

You’ll enjoy the boundless energy of your youth

Finally waving goodbye to nausea, fatigue and vision loss for good

Then Dr. Talor wanted to make sure the effects of his solution lasted a lifetime

Which is why he recommended a few of today's most potent and proven ingredients

Including Chromium and Vitamin E

Chromium to support healthy insulin

Making it easier to regulate blood sugar levels long term

And Vitamin E to help shield against serious illnesses

Like Heart Disease, inflammation and tumors

Then Dr. Talor warned me, about the many cheap imitations of all these ingredients

He knew this because, his team carefully tested 97% of the available natural extracts

Of Licorice Root, Vitamins C and E, berries, herbs and more

And found out they were derived from chemicals

And not from natural sources

This means, the licorice root extract you think you are buying from the store

Will not deliver the same amazing results REAL licorice root extract will

Listening to him explain this I realised despite my medical background

I would not be able to recreate the formula as he did

He knew the exact proportions, the order of the ingredients,

The best type of each plant, how to source for purity

And most importantly his team had done it before

Yet, Dr. Talor was a busy man

So it took months of following up with him to remake his powerful formula

We both knew how risky this was

As we could have lost our freedom and even our lives

But we did it anyway

The health and wellbeing of myself and millions of Americans was more important..

We had the formula, the knowledge and a lab all to ourselves

We searched the entire world through our scientific connections

And only contacted certified producers and verified suppliers

Making sure for our recipe, we used the best quality ingredients

It was tiresome

We secretly worked night after night, testing until dawn

Making sure we got the right quantities and the most effective combination of ingredients.

And in the end there it was.

My hands where shaking

As I was holding the formula which could give me my life back

If this tiny, natural pill helped stabilise my blood sugar for good

It would be a miracle

So, of course, I was the first to try it

All I had to do was take 2 plant-based tablets a day

With a large glass of water

Now, after the horrific side effects of prescribed medications

I was scared of all things medicine

However, since seeing the life changing effects

It had on Dr Talor’s participants in the UK

Along with knowing the science checked out

I became excited to give it a try

Yet after taking the first pill

I didn’t feel a thing

I was slightly disappointed

And then worried

Doctors were going to chop off my limbs if this didn’t work

Dr. Talor pled with me to continue

And showed me again and again the research

Proving it worked

So I carried on

Then, after a few days something amazing happened

I started feeling more energetic

And lighter than ,I had felt in years

Like the capsules had cleaned me out

I slept the all night and woke up feeling revitalized

Enough to make an early morning appearance at my gym

And straight after I ran home

To check my fasting blood sugar level

And was shocked

I was down to 193 from 260, a full 25% in just a few days

Then following this same ritual for the next week

I was down to 165

And after just 1 month, I dropped down to a healthy 113

I was full of life

Could finally see and think clearly

Eat anything I wanted without having to obsess over its effect on my blood sugar

Allowing me to begin to the carefree retirement I had worked so hard for

I stabilised my blood sugar once and for all

But, one person was not enough to prove this formula worked

And, if it worked for me

Would it work for everyone?

We needed to test it on more people who suffered from unstable blood sugar levels

and the unbearable fatigue, nausea and tiredness that come with it

People whose insides were screaming help

Because of the excess build up of toxic fat choking their livers

We needed a wide variety of people from the newly afflicted

To those suffering for over 30 years

To make 100% sure this formula worked for everyone

Me and my wife, posted ads online and in local newspapers

Asking for people to test our all-natural remedy

We amassed a total of 63 people

Ready to embark on our experiment
And what happened next was astonishing

Without exception and in a few weeks

All 63 volunteers showed groundbreaking results

Every single one reported a fasting blood sugar level of under 110

With many stating their blood pressure and cholesterol levels also plummeted

They had completely stabilised their blood sugar

Without changing their diet, sleep or exercise

Throwing their useless medications and test strips away for good

A lot of them told us they were feeling healthier

And melted pounds of fat off their frame

Our subjects were experiencing bursts of energy and restful sleep

Waving goodbye to “that sluggish feeling” for good

We were bombarded with emails and phone calls

Our subjects were amazed with their results

And kept asking for more of our one-of-a-kind blood sugar stabilising formula

It became clear we were on a mission

We had created a proven all-natural supplement

Allowing you to target the real root cause of unstable blood sugar

One which can also calm blood pressure and cholesterol levels

Whilst inducing rapid weight loss

I decided with the blessing of Dr. Talor to produce the supplement

To make it available for all sufferers

And we called it Glucofreeze

The first all-natural supplement specially made to target the real root cause of high blood sugar

Every capsule is made here in the USA

In our GMP compliant and FDA registered facility

Under strict, sterile and precise standards

We routinely disinfect the equipment

Used to handle the ingredients and package our supplements

All Glucofreeze capsules are safe

Because they do not contain any dangerous stimulants or habit forming toxins

And although taking back the reins on your blood sugar levels can be life-changing

The formula can be more powerful than any remedy in the planet

Because as well as, stabilising your blood sugar

It can also shed away excess fat

And support healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels

Allowing you to focus and regain your mental clarity

You’ll notice yourself feeling better, thinking sharper and more relaxed

You may even notice your nausea, fatigue and unbearable headaches come to a stop

Like all the toxicity was flushed out your mind and body for good

While dramatically lowering chances of other harmful conditions

87,000 people have already transformed their lives and bodies with GlucoFreeze

People Like Jacob N. 62

“Okay, I’ll admit I was skeptical at first. I had spent thousands on solutions which didn’t work, medications, insulin injections, I mean the whole 9 yards,

But after I saw some remarkable stories online I couldn’t help but wonder: What if?

What if this is the one ritual to actually work? I mean the science was simple and made sense. Plus, I really had nothing to lose and everything to gain.

I ordered the 90 day supply and was shocked at how quick I saw results. After a few days, my fatigue had disappeared, my vision had been restored

And the crippling nerve pain I thought would last forever had vanished. Best of all, when I measured my blood sugar it stayed at a constant 105, finally allowing me to ditch all those godforsaken tests and monitors

And never have to deny myself a meal ever again. True, FREEDOM”

So at this point you’re probably asking how you can get your hands on GlucoFreeze for yourself…

Along with how often you need to take it for best results?

To be honest…

I wish it was easier for folks to gain access to this breakthrough…

Because as I’ve mentioned repeatedly throughout this video…

My goal is to make GlucoFreeze available to every American possible…

Yet while that’s my goal…

The truth is that because every single bottle of GlucoFreeze needs to be produced in a pristine, state-of-the-art facility…

Then kept fresh through a special, proprietary encapsulation process…

Which only a few manufacturing facilities in the world are able to do…

It can take a very long time to produce every single bottle of GlucoFreeze.

And because GlucoFreeze truly is like a “time capsule in a bottle”...

Something that takes your blood sugar, mind and body back to the way it was when you were young…

While helping to refresh the cells in virtually all of your organs and metabolism…

Pretty much everyone who tries GlucoFreeze keeps asking for more of the stuff…

Because they never again want to worry about “erratic blood sugar,” or feeling fatigued, or having a foggy brain.

GlucoFreeze is also becoming extremely popular in Europe…

Which is amazing, but it puts even more of a strain on production…

Especially since it takes up to 3 months to custom-create each batch.

And as a result of the fact that GlucoFreeze is expensive to manufacture, takes up to 3 months to produce a single batch, and keeps selling out…

I frequently don’t have any GlucoFreeze available for the public

So you may be wondering…

How much GlucoFreeze do you need to take?

That’s simple…

Just take 1 capsule each day, for at least 30 days.

The reason it’s important that you take GlucoFreeze for at least 30 days is very straightforward…

While the 5 Blood Sugar supporting ingredients go to work pretty much immediately…

What all those clinical studies hav shown us…

Is that the longer you take each of the ingredients inside GlucoFreeze…

The more your body can benefit.

So it just makes sense to keep taking GlucoFreeze day after day…

And month after month…

The most GlucoFreeze costs is a few pennies per day (more on that in a second).

And this is why so many health experts recommend that you choose at least 3 bottles of GlucoFreeze at a time…

And 5 bottles if you want to be completely safe…

Then take it for a period of at least 90 days…

That way you can absolutely guarantee you’ve done everything you can to restore your body’s most vital processes for healthy blood sugar.

I already went through the pain and suffering…

And I don’t want that to happen to you.

Which is why if you decide to take action right now…

And say “YES” to the scientific miracle that is GlucoFreeze…

You won’t need to spend $249 for a bottle… or even $149…

And why instead, by taking action today…

You can order GlucoFreeze for just $249 $67 per bottle.

And that’s actually just the start.

You see…

Because so many of the studies show that the longer you take the ingredients inside GlucoFreeze…

The more you could benefit from them…

And because so many people have been ordering multiple bottles of Glucofreeze at a time…

That way they can share them with their family and friends as well…

My team and I have created an even deeper discount program where…

Right now when you stock up on 6 bottles of GlucoFreeze…

You will save more than $220 in total!

So, click the order button below now

To secure your package while supplies last

As Glucofreeze is selling very fast and after it’s sold out

It can take upto 9-12 months to produce another batch

Maybe even longer as I can’t say how long until all the essential ingredients will be in harvest again

So it’s vital you take action now, before it’s too late

And remember, the all-natural GlucoFreeze formula not available anywhere else

And your order today is a one-time payment with no subscription or hidden charges

But, you may be skeptical, and this okay, so was I when I first tried it

But after seeing remarkable turnarounds in over 87,000 other Americans

I can say for a fact it will work

So, I’m going to give you a full no-questions-asked 60 Days guarantee

This means, if you are unsatisfied for any reason, which almost never happens

Just send us an email to receive a full refund, no questions asked

Even if you have used the whole bottle, if you contact us in the first 60 days

We will dispatch a refund immediately

Giving you have a whole 2 months to see breakthrough results

Meaning you have absolutely nothing to risk at all

So, choose the package you want below

And use the safe and secure checkout form, to transform your life for good

Listen, when you think about it

You really only have two choices ahead of you right now

Option one: Stop following this presentation and leave this page.

Do nothing.

Keep going the way you are now, feeling left out

Wondering how you will manage

As your blood sugar and health deteriorate

Constantly feeling tired, weak and nauseous

Plagued with the worry of having a limb hacked off or falling into a sudden deadly coma

It isn’t going to be pretty

Option two: Risk nothing at all today

Grab Glucofreeze right now

You'll be surprised at how well it works

So, protect your most precious possession - your health

And order Glucofreeze to enjoy a Crystal clear body and mind for the rest of your life.

Click below to make your choice

Enter your payment details, and place the order now

And within 24 hours we’ll ship your package right to your doorstep.

I hope to hear your success story soon


John Cooper

Still here?

Not a problem, I know we just covered a lot.

To help you out, let me go ahead and answer some of the most common questions you might have…

1. How does GlucoFreeze work again?

GlucoFreeze is based off the breakthrough research by Dr. Taylor, who is one of the world’s leading authorities on erratic blood sugar.

And through decades of research…

Dr. Taylor realized that erratic blood sugar actually starts with fat build up in your liver…

Which clogs and suffocates the liver causing you to feel fatigued, tired and nauseated.

By simply burning away the fat that’s in your liver, your blood sugar levels may improve within days.

Each of the 20 ingredients inside GlucoFreeze may support healthy blood sugar levels, reduce blood sugar spikes, and help maintain healthy weight loss…

2. Who should use GlucoFreeze?

GlucoFreeze is for ANYONE concerned about their blood sugar…

And who wants to take a proactive approach in supporting healthy blood sugar levels.

By taking GlucoFreeze each day as directed…

You may finally make your erratic blood sugar, fatigue and weight gain a thing of the past!

3. How Many Bottles of GlucoFreeze should I get?

Like I mentioned, most people choose to order a 6 bottle supply of GlucoFreeze.

Here’s why:

Because GlucoFreeze contains rare ingredients from all over the world, supplies are limited and we frequently run out of stock.

People who use this supplement LOVE it and report a great experience, so they get worried about not being able to order more of it when they run out.

And because your order comes with a 6 month guarantee…

Our customers feel confident in knowing that if they change their mind about ordering a six month supply of GlucoFreeze…

It’s no big deal and they can just get a full refund whenever they want.

4. How long will this be available for?

I can’t give you an exact answer here, because the truth is I don’t know…

I want it to stay up forever, however the Big Pharma executives are becoming increasingly hostile towards me, and starting to make threats.

As soon as my family is at risk – I’ll have to take the site down.

That means you really should jump on this right now, especially since there is zero risk to you, as I’ll explain in a second…

5. Can you remind me about your guarantee?

Of course.

GlucoFreeze comes with a 180 Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Order GlucoFreeze today…

Then have a full 6 months to decide if it’s right for you.

If you’re like the 12,174 + people who have used GlucoFreeze already…

Then you will be THRILLED with the results.

But if you’re not for any reason…

Simply call or email my customer service team…

And we’ll refund your investment with zero questions asked.

The best part?

You don’t even need to go through the hassle of sending the bottles back.

This all means you truly have nothing to lose today when you get started.

6. How do I get started?

Just select the package of GlucoFreeze that’s best for you below this video right now.

You’ll then go to the secure checkout page where you’ll enter your order details…

And within just 5 business days from now…

You’ll receive GlucoFreeze right to your front door.

Plus there’s no risk because of my Risk-Free 180-day guarantee!

This presentation is now ending…

And I want to say thank you for sticking with me all the way until the end…

Go ahead and choose your package now…

Take GlucoFreeze as directed for at least 30 days…

And I cannot wait to hear about your success story!

Thank you for watching, and God bless.

John Cooper.


30 Day Supply

$69 Per Bottle

Full 60 Day Guarantee

Today Only: $99 $69


60 Day Supply

$59 Per Bottle

Full 60 Day Guarantee

Today Only: $297 $177


90 Day Supply

$49 Per Bottle

Full 60 Day Guarantee

Today Only: $594 $294